Thursday, October 8, 2009

Another rainy day

I was sick over the weekend. That didn't stop me from running around spreading my disease doing my weekly errands. One errand I may end up regretting, well, I may alreay regret. My youngest daughter, Sissy, turned 12 and has been bugging me to dye her hair blonde for the last 3 yrs. So I finally caved and bought some products from Sally's Supply.

And so ensued 3 days of trying to get her hair a suitable shade of blonde. The first woman I spoke to said all I needed was a color and a higher grade developer. Great, that wasn't too expensive. We went home and colored her hair...or rather attempted to color her hair. That hardly lightened it at all. *sigh* Back to Sally's for another attempt on Sunday after church (and a nap, thank you, remember, I was sick).

This new person said she heard another gal that works there, recommend this bleaching powder. Powder? Never heard of it, but if you say so. I mean she is the professional right? She works at Sally's for crying out loud. Back home to another round of coloring, or in this case bleaching. So more money out the window. This time I broke down and bought a Sally's discount card. I would have bought it the day before and saved even more money, but that other lady made me believe that I wasn't going to have to make another purchase. Grrrrr.

Well, as we sat during the processing time, her hair got lighter and lighter. Ok, that is a good sign, right? I was a little concerned it would get to light or even worse, make all her hair fall out. I mean, I have never worked with this magical bleach powder before. I sent her in the shower to rinse, wash, repeat and condition. It looked a little reddish. We proceeded to dry her hair and her hair got more and more the color of a new pumpkin. What???? She has to go to school tomorrow. Ok, not a problem, hubby gets off work and can drop by Sally's on the way home and get something to fix it. Nope, Sally's closed at 6 before he got there. Ok, so she stays home a day, not a big deal. I still was feeling pretty cruddy, so I could stay home with her and dad.

Monday morning we run off to Sally's once again to get something to make her hair look a more normal color of blonde. This time I have my model aka: sissy with me so the sales woman can see the disaster color of her hair. She suggested a color and a developer again, only this time the color has a tint or ash in it to tone down the hideous orange reddish color. Back home to try one more time. It worked, but the color is still not what I would call a normal color blonde. I guess we will wait a few weeks and break down and go to our local mistress of color hair dresser. Live and learn.

Oh and the best part....the horrid little girls at school told my daughter they hated her hair. Poor kid has had trauma after trauma, but she is holding firm on keeping her hair color blonde. You go girl !!!

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