Thursday, October 1, 2009

Why women don't like me...

Used to be that women didn't like me because I was young, thin and cute. Only the cute applies now and even that is fading fast. I am just wondering if I am the only woman who other women do not like. This isn't a one time deal, it has happened over and over and over thru out my life. Women do not like me. Mostly women I work with, oh yea, and my mother too.

One of the last places I worked, I had a screaming match meeting with one of my coworkers in the human resouces office. She felt that I disrespected her because I refused to hand write a check for $155K instead of pushing it thru the computer system. In the words of Steve Martin "well excuuuuuuse meeee". I figured that perhaps the accountant, my boss, should make that decision...she told me to call her if I needed anything. Sheesh.

My husband seems to think its because when I ask a question and don't get the answer I want, I say something like, "no, you f*cking moron, thats not what I meant". And then try to explain exaclty what information I need. I can see how that would put some people off, but for the most part I am kind, generous and at least to me amusing. I have actually quit giving a shit worrying about whether or not I am liked or not. Too much energy wasted on that.

With that said, I am shocked and amazed that my arch enemy er, wicked witch er... supervisor actually took my side in a situation that happened at work last week. She even went so far as to say that I was being singled out and the person on the support staff in particular would not have treated anyone else with such disrespect. Zoinks !!! *picking my jaw up off the floor* Finally, someone who actually can see through the bullshit I have to deal with from this bitch. It only took my supervisor 2 screaming matches, 3 idiotic tests and 10 months to figure out that I was set up for her to hate me from the beginning. Truth Justice and the American way triumphs once again.

Maybe there is hope for me yet. HAHAHAHA....not likely. I am not gonna change and there will always be someone who hates me for no other reason than to hate me. God loves me most days and that is all that matters to me.

Quote of the day - I believe that if life gives you lemons, you should make lemonade... And try to find somebody whose life has given them vodka, and have a party. ~ Ron White

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